4. MegaPro Large Event Space Portable Speaker -
S$120 / day
This handly wheeler amplifer lasts approx 4-5 hrs.
Play music in 3 different ways!
1) Plug in your USB thumbdrives OR
2) SD card
3) Plug your phone / ipod to the AUX audio cable
4) Play wirelessly using bluetooth from your phone or tablet
Controls: Guitar Vol. + Echo Vol. + Mic Vol. + Equalizer + Music Vol. + Mic priority
(Mic priority automatically reduces the volume of background music when mic is in use)
Item Check list:
- 1 x WIRELESS microphone!
- 3 pin Power Cord (for recharging)
- 1 x WIRELESS bodypac microphone (optional)
- Wired Microphone (optional)
- 3.5mm Jack Audio cable (for input to music devices)
- 1 x 28" Luggage carrier bag to wheel around)
Weighs: Approximately 10kg
Suitable for larger spaces like conference halls, restaurants, showrooms,
Often used by seminars / presentations/ dance / outdoor exercises to larger crowds.
Rent: S$120 per day / event
Available for delivery and self pick up.
Optional: TRIPOD stand for speaker mount - S$10 / day
You may opt to put the mega pro speaker on a tripod stand to project the sound higher or simply to "look better"